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A Hub for Writers & Creators

Welcome to The DateKeepers, a one-stop shop for writers, artists, scholars, and creators committed to building a legacy.  

Who We Serve

We support authors of memoir, literary fiction, scholarship, and journalism who’ve staked their livelihoods on their art and can't afford costly missteps along the way. 


We do not work with the following genres: picture books, children’s literature, poetry, commercial fiction (horror, romance, fantasy, etc.), and how-to, self-help, or self-improvement manuals. That said, we maintain a network of book coaches and editors with diverse expertise. We'll help you get the help you need.  


We also help professionals in other fields (scientists, lawyers, artists, artisans, policymakers, and entrepreneurs) to enhance their portfolios, leverage the power of storytelling, and promote their work to an international audience of over 100,000. 

What We Do

We'll teach you to navigate a byzantine and predatory professional world with integrity while building a sustainable career. We offer:

  • Comprehensive, long-term partnerships on book-length works of literary fiction and memoir;

  • Targeted editorial services for shorter works of fiction, creative nonfiction, scholarship, journalism, website text, miscellaneous documents, and application materials;

  • One-on-one training sessions for writers, editors, and young professionals;

  • Promotion for professionals in any discipline.  

:Our packages include everything from editing and book coaching to grant writing and negotiation training, all under one roof. See our “Services” for details. 

Why We Do It

First and foremost, we are authors. We hold master’s degrees in journalism and fiction, respectively, and we know that good stories and well-crafted prose are essential. 


We also know that these are not enough alone. 


We’ve witnessed far too many of our peers fall prey to scammers, bad actors, and strategic miscalculations. Fearmongers have become increasingly adept at taking advantage of artists’ insecurities, selling the illusion of easy success, and delivering nothing. 


We know what your art means to you. It means the same to us. We do not traffic in delusions. Partner with us, and you'll gain the tools you need to find a loyal audience in an increasingly distracted world and leave a lasting legacy. 

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